Nearly 30 years of IK research brings you this best-of list in alternative healthcare resources:

Sells high-quality, third-party certified, professional-grade supplements. Phone number: 800-444-9998. Clients: Contact our office for a code.

Sells high-quality, third-party certified, professional-grade supplements through WholeScripts. Phone number: 800-647-6100. Clients: Contact our office for a code.

Sells high-quality essential oils. Use code 57225.

Sells natural, non-toxic products, up to 50% off.

A source of fermented sugar cane.


Sells reasonably priced independent blood tests.


Offers gluten sensitivity gene testing.


Reach out to our office to order, providing their name, address, phone number and email address. The test cost is $300 plus interpretation and review time ($400 for one-hour consultation) for a total of $700.


Sells insoles and high-heel MicroLifts.


Free Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement lessons


Explains what Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) is, what treatment is like, what conditions HBOT can help treat, and more.


Provides information about Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy.


Provides information about Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. Enter “HBOT” or “HBOT and autism” in the search box.


Provides information about Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy studies that have been conducted.


Offers nutritional literature by Lee, Price, Pottenger, and many others.


Operates free from commercial interests and offers membershipspublicationsclasses and lectures, and reference libraries to teach others how traditional diets can help us achieve optimal health in the modern world. PPNF also stewards the research of Dr. Weston A. Price and Dr. Francis M. Pottenger, Jr., who provided scientific validation for traditional wisdom about nutrition, food production, and healthy living.


Educates, researches, and promotes the restoring of nutrient-dense foods to the human diet.


Offers books and tapes that discuss the link between nutrition and health.


Provides information about choices that may be available to you.


Explores many alternative cancer treatments.


Provides information about specific pharmaceutical drugs.


Offers information on a variety of cosmetics, so you can check if yours are safe to use.


Provides information on supplements, so you can check if yours are safe to use.


Offers gluten-free, sugar-free recipes.


Provides gluten-free, sugar-free, all-natural dessert recipes.

Offers simple, delicious recipes that require 10 ingredients or less, one bowl, or 30 minutes or less to prepare. Many are gluten-free and dairy-free.


Offers a variety of recipes, featuring healthy desserts.
